As many as 40 cars were involved in a crash on Highway 400 near King Road on Saturday morning.

Drivers say the crash happened quickly.

“All of a sudden there were a lot of brake lights up ahead of us,” explained driver John Brennan.
Cars were stopping everywhere. I jammed on my breaks to avoid the vehicle ahead of me, but the guy behind me couldn't stop and he ran into the back of me.”

Some cars were totaled in the crash.

“The car in front of us started swerving to avoid a car in front of him,” said driver Amy Brock. “And because he started losing control, we slammed our brake on and slid right into him. It was a disaster.”

Police say there were no serious injuries.

The highway was closed for hours while police, fire, and paramedics cleaned up the scene.

The cause of the accident is still under investigation, but it is possible weather was part of the problem.