After a long winter and a cold spring, there were finally signs of summer on Friday.

Environment Canada released its summer forecast and is predicting it will be a hot one.

“It’s shaping up to be a more traditional summer. The missing ingredient last year was the heat and humidity; it will be coming back this year. Definitely May and June the indications are warmer than normal conditions,” says Environment Canada Meteorologist Geoff Coulson

And while the heat and humidity may be ideal for the beach, it’s also ideal for severe weather.

“Thunderstorms need the heat and humidity to drive them and make them significant and at this time of the year some of these thunderstorms can produce damaging weather such as big hail, flooding rains, damaging winds or even tornadoes,” adds Coulson.

Last year there were 19 tornadoes in Ontario, including one in Angus. The provincial average is 12 and well there is no telling what the 2015 tornado season will be like, meteroligists say the province is due for a twister like the two that touched down in Barrie and Grand Valley 30 years ago.

“We would have expected to see something like that before now so every season that comes up there is that possibility in the back of our mind. We could see a level of the event we saw thirty years ago happening again,” says Coulson.

The severe weather season traditionally lasts from April until October.