For some, the streets in Orillia can be a cold and lonely place.

Lisa Johnston knows how hard living on the streets can be. Luckily, she was able to find help at the Lighthouse Shelter.

“They've helped me with food, and you know groceries and that for my kids. They help me with really anything."

Johnston will be joining hundreds of community members in the Coldest Night of the Year Walk on Saturday night. The walk is happening in 113 communities across Canada.

"This is our fourth year in Orillia running Coldest Night of the Year. The first year I think we raised about $25,000. This year our goal is $100,000,” says Linda Goodall of The Lighthouse.

Since 2011, the initiative has raised more than $12 million across Canada.

"The City of Orillia is incredible. They see the need that we have here. Last year we served 17,000 meals out of our kitchen. The funds raised tonight will go towards the current operation."

The money will also help fund "Building Hope." It's a new shelter that will house men, women and youths.

Community members walking throughout downtown Barrie will help support the Youth Haven Shelter.

"We’ve raised around $75,000 over the last two years. We've never also came anywhere close to raising awareness or discussion in our community about it before. So it's really been a great resource and fundraiser," says Nathan Sykes of Youth Haven.

Most people will never truly understand the challenges faced by the homeless, but tonight is a start.