Springwater Township is the first municipality to launch a full SaveStation community program with life-saving defibrillators in various outdoor areas for public use.

Over the next two months, 12 automated external defibrillators (AEDs) will be installed outside of public places like schools, libraries and community centres, allowing people to have access to them 24/7.

Using a defibrillator is critical when moments count. Experts say the survival rate of someone during cardiac arrest jumps by 75 percent when an AED is used within the first 10 minutes.

The SaveStations are weatherproof and climate-controlled.

When the cabinet is opened, an alert will sound, and a camera will start taking pictures. An automatic text message alert system will notify a group of responders.

The project was funded through private sector donations to the annual Springwater Swing Charity Golf Tournament and cost roughly $33,000.

The township will offer free community CPR/AED training over multiple dates this fall.

To find out more, click here.