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Midland in mourning after loss of long-time councillor Jim Downer

Former Midland Councillor Jim Downer (Courtesy: Town of Midland). Former Midland Councillor Jim Downer (Courtesy: Town of Midland).

The Town of Midland is in mourning after the sudden loss of a local political titan who spent decades working in public service.

According to the Town, current councillor Jim Downer passed away this morning. Downer was a familiar face throughout the community, having served as a councillor, deputy mayor and mayor.

"There's really nothing of consequence in Midland that's happened over the past 30 years that he hasn't had his finger on in some way because of his work with council," said Mayor Bill Gordon.

The Town has lowered all municipal flags to half-mast in honour of Downer's passing.

"He's been a man of integrity, and he certainly always puts the needs of Midland first, even before his own and his own family's needs, and he's just been a stellar representative in the community, and he'll really be missed," said Gordon.

Downer's health made news last year when he suddenly collapsed during a council meeting inside the council chambers. He was transferred to Georgian Bay General Hospital and has, according to the mayor, primarily participated in council meetings virtually.

The current mayor says that Downer has deep roots in the community and was a familiar face to many. Not only did he spend decades in public service, but he was also a businessman, working as a butcher and being the previous owner of Serendipitea.

Gordon says he had a huge personality.

"He has the ability to really stop the clock, command a room and share his wisdom and his insight and position on an item but at the same token he could be a giddy little, almost like a child sometimes," the mayor said with a fond smile. "You catch him with a stoic face, and then all of a sudden, out of the corner of your eye, he'd be cracking a joke or doing something that would bring some levity to the situation, and then when you'd look at him, he'd be right back to a stone face again."

The loss is being felt in neighbouring Penetanguishene, with the mayor expressing his deep regret for the loss.

"On behalf of my council colleagues, staff and the residents of the town, I offer my sincere condolences to Jim's family and friends," Mayor Doug Rawson said in a news release. "Flags at Town Hall are lowered to half-mast in recognition of his passing and his years of service to our neighbouring community."

Flags have also been lowered in nearby Tay Township. Top Stories

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