A former communications manager at Stevenson Memorial Hospital was sentenced to 18 months in jail and two-years-probation after pleading guilty to a sex charge involving a teenage girl.

With credit for time served, 36-year-old Jared Nolan will serve 15 months behind bars.

In court on Friday afternoon, the victim’s father called Nolan a monster.  While holding back tears, he said Nolan was a "narcissistic sociopath void of all moral worth.”

The father also told the court these events had changed his family's life.
"Little did we know what measure of evil we were up against,” he said. “We’re all victims, the family, the hospital, and the community."

The victim, who cannot be identified, told the court in a victim impact statement that it is, “difficult to be around people.  I’ve been impacted with education and social anxiety.”

Nolan spoke to the court before sentencing, saying that he is tremendously appalled by his actions.   He went on to say that he has a deep sense of remorse and empathy.

Court had heard previously that a police search of Nolan’s computer showed 50 images and five videos containing child pornography.