Two wild boars have been spotted in Caledon East and that has wildlife officials warning people not to approach the animals.

Frank Meyers has seen plenty of wildlife in Caledon over the years, but on Monday morning he spotted something unusual in his backyard.

“I certainly did take a double-take. I started yelling at my wife and my daughters that there are wild boars outside,” says Meyers.

The animals were also spotted by several other residents along Centreville Creek Road near Caledon East. Provincial police were called to the area when the animals ventured out onto the road. 

Wild boars are not native to Ontario, but they can survive here quite easily through the summer months. It's believed that the animals may have escaped from a local farm or are pets. Feral boars have been reported in eastern Ontario in the past and in 40 states across the U.S.

Conservation officers with Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources went door to door looking for the boars’ owners and to find people who may have spotted them.

 Karen Kinzett was surprised to hear that there are wild boars roaming the neighbourhood.

“It's very bizarre. This is totally a shock,” she says.

A MNR spokesperson says the animals are the owner’s responsibility and it is up to them to capture or kill the boars.

“I know they could do some damage to you if they came after you but I think I was in a state of shock when I saw them and I was wondering what they were doing here.”

The MNR is advising residents in the area to not approach the boars and to treat them like other wildlife. If there is any safety concern residents should contact police or the ministry.