A new sports club in Dufferin County was formed to give children with physical disabilities a chance to play sports and it is putting smiles on faces.

A pick-up truck loaded with wheelchairs arrived at St. Peter Elementary School in Orangeville on Thursday night for a new wheelchair sports club much to the delight of 10-year-old Mark Rodgers.

Mark was born with cerebral palsy and lives his life in power chair. His mother, Amanda Rodgers, says it's difficult for Mark to make friends and play with other kids his age, so she starting up this club.

"We wanted to look for ways that we could find that resource for him and other kids who like him who are looking for activities a way to make friends, a way to have fun and get out."

There are no sports programs for Mark in his hometown of Shelburne but his mom found the help she needed to start the club in Orangeville from Cruisers Sports for the physically disabled. The volunteer organization provided the hockey sticks and balls to get things rolling.

It didn't take long for the smiles to appear on the faces of the children and their parents. Sakina Rehmanji explains how gratifying is to see her son Yasin fit in.

"I think our children tend to take on the battle on easier than parents do, I think he smiles more often than I do because I'm always worried about the future and all of the behind the scene matters that don't concern him and allows him to be a child and activities like this is very important for children to be part of."

The school yard games are designed to be stepping stones to other sports that cruisers also support. But Rodgers says the first priority is to get more families involved to discover what's possible.

“This program is for everybody it doesn't matter what your limitations are, there are no limitations I this gym so we want people to come out and try it and make new friends.”

This new wheel chair sports group will continue to meet every Thursday Night at 6:30 at St. Peter Elementary until the end of the school year.