We are famous in Canada for maple syrup, Wayne Gretzky, double doubles and the group of seven. But we have another claim to fame – crokinole.

The Grasby brothers are typical Canadian boys who play typical Canadian sports like hockey, soccer and golf.

But 14-year-old Trevor is pretty good at another Canadian sport, crokinole - a game based on point totals and knocking your opponents off the board.

“We figured they’ve been in every other Canadian sport so crokinole was the natural thing to get them into says,” says mom Vivian.

Yes crokinole is Canadian – it was invented in Perth County, Ontario back in 1876 and Trevor Grasby is the reigning intermediate singles crokinole world champion.

“Well it’s pretty cool – with the money it’s a good time and being a world champion is pretty cool.”

This weekend Trevor and his 8-year-old brother Kyle are at the world crokinole championships in Tavistock, Ontario – known as the crokinole capital of the world. The championships are big, the boys could win titles and prize money ranging from $25 to $1,000.

“It certainly fills the town for the day. We have about 500 participants. You watched the Olympics this year and they come and participate in their own world championships,” says East Zorra & Tavistock Mayor Don McKay.

Kyle hopes to become a world champion too and knows that it takes more than just doing his daily finger exercises.

“Never give up and play my hardest.”