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Local artist holding fundraiser to support Ukraine


A local artist with Ukrainian bloodlines is using his talent to make a difference to those impacted by the Russian invasion.

Jerry Kulyk, who goes by Yarko, is selling his artwork during an art show at the end of March, with all proceeds going to the Canada-Ukraine Foundation. He will then match the total funds raised.

He said the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been hard on him, his family and friends.

"It's devastating. For the first week or two, we watched a lot of news – American news, Canadian news, whatever we could find. It got to the point … where we were unable to sleep," Yarko said.

"The unnecessary killings and the brutality is just really sad."

Seeing what was going on and having family in Ukraine, Yarko felt it was important to lend a hand.

"Physically, I am unable to go to Ukraine and assist in the fighting," Yarko said. "I am not a wealthy person, but it's my duty; it's my honour to do this."

Despite the darkness overseas, Yarko is confident the people of Ukraine will get through it.

"Ukraine will survive ... you can destroy and damage buildings, but you can never destroy the hearts and passion within Ukraine," Yarko said.

"I would say 'Slava-Ukraine, Heroymyn Slava' which means glory to Ukraine, glory to the heroes."

A first-generation Canadian of Ukrainian descent, Kulyk has travelled to every province and territory and said his connection with people is as strong as his connection with the land. His love of Canada is the inspiration for his artwork.

Yarko's art show takes place at his Tiny Township home, 63 Brook Avenue, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on March 26-27.

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