Some farmers in the Holland Marsh are scrambling to bring in a late harvest of carrots.
This month has been a colder and wetter month than usual, which has left some farmers weeks behind.
The problem was compounded by a hail storm earlier in the growing season which forced some to re-seed their fields.
That was the case at the Eek family farm in King Township, where they’re worried about losing a lot of money if the carrots don’t come out quickly.
“We're not really sure the carrots can withstand the frost pressure and freezing conditions again,” said Avia Eek. “Based on what we should be getting paid for the carrots, we're looking at $35,000 left in the field.”
“You can't get your bills to wait until the market picks up,” she said. “You have to pay your bills now, so $35,000 is a big hit.”
Carrot farmers have to face many challenges, including water damage, insect damage, and more European carrots being sold in North America.