There were strong words in a Barrie courtroom, as victim impact statements were read out at the dangerous offender status hearing for Shayne Lund.
Lund sat quietly in the prison’s box, as 10 victim impact statements were read in court on Monday. Some were read by the Crown, while others were handled by the victims.
"I hope you put him away for the rest of his pathetic life,” one victim said. “Not just for me, but for everyone.”
Another victim said, "I will never go another day without thinking about what you did to my daughter. Because of his actions I will forever question my ability to care for my daughter."
This hearing is paving the way for the court to decide if Lund should be declared a dangerous offender. The Crown wants a status that could affect how long Lund will spend behind bars and when he might be allowed to apply for parole.
"I hope when you look at yourself you see the disgust. I hope you suffer inside for all the damage you did," another victim said.
Lund pleaded guilty to 34 charges involving a series of sexual assaults on young children.
Dr. Scott MacDonald Woodsie, a forensic psychologist, also took the stand on Monday. He told the court, Lund is considered a moderate to high risk to reoffend if he is released.
The dangerous offender status hearing is expected to take seven days, but it's not clear if the judge will make a ruling right away or exactly how long it will take before Lund is sentenced.