A 12-year-old girl is looking to pay it forward after an outpouring of support from across the country.

Harper Fox had been saving up her birthday and Christmas money with the hope of redesigning her bedroom. But when she checked her pocket on Boxing Day, her wallet containing $300 worth of gift cards, was gone.

Harper’s mother, Miranda Fox posted a plea on Facebook asking the people of Barrie to keep an eye out for the wallet, but what they received in return was unexpected.

Total strangers in Barrie, North Bay, and across the country sent donations, each of them, eager to help.

“We had a bunch of servers in Calgary, who said we pooled all our money together,” said Miranda. “We want to send something for Harper."

The donation which touched Harper's heart the most was a gift sent from a mom struggling with a sick newborn who said she just wanted to pay it forward.

"Why are you giving this to me?” said Harper. “I would rather you spend it on your baby at sick kids than me, I don't need this."

Harper posted a thank you video which has so far been seen more than 26,000 times but it's the message that this ordeal has sent to her daughter that Miranda is most thankful for.

"I believe that this has been life-changing for my child. it highlighted that there's good in the world, that people are kind, that complete strangers will take care of a complete stranger."

Harper will wait two more weeks before spending any of the money that she's received. She says if her wallet is returned with the gift cards, she will donate every dollar.