The Town of Georgina is trying to figure out how much money it’s going to cost to fix its aging infrastructure.

Consultants for the town say it would cost between $5 million and $20 million to do the necessary renovations. Officials now need to make a decision; do they renovate what they have, build an addition or construct something new.

“The town and the council have a number of decisions to make where we best spend our money,” says Mayor Margaret Quirk.

The bricks and mortar on the town’s civic centre are crumbling and the accessibility ramp is not to code. Inside there are electrical and HVAC problems, and there is no sprinkler system in the event of a fire.

There are no estimates for new builds, but some like the idea of a joint new civic centre and fire hall option.

The Keswick station is an old car dealership and it has problems too. There are large cracks in the walls and some areas of the building are so unsafe they're sealed off.

The price for renovations here is more than a quarter of a million dollars.

Georgina residents will get to have their say on where the money should be spent. The town will be inviting public comments on the future options for its buildings.

That day is expected to be sometime in early 2017.