An 11 year-old boy from the Blue Mountains is being praised for taking steps that fire officials say helped saved his family from their burring home.

The fire broke out at the Wilson’s farmhouse Monday morning while the family was sleeping. The sound of the smoke alarm woke up James, who then quickly ran through the house to alert his family.

“I saw the fire in the library, so I went out and yelled at the top of the stairs for everybody to get up,” said James.

James’ yelling prompted his mother to jump into action.

“I knew by the way he was calling something was wrong,” said Kerri Wilson.

Soon enough, they were helping everyone out of the burning house. There were 13 people in the house at the time, including two infants and two seniors.  

The children ran out into the snow in their bare feet, while their mother helped some of the others.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation. The farmhouse and everything inside was destroyed, all that remains is the foundation.

Firefighters say what James quick thinking is what really saved the family from the flames.

“The fire spread so quickly I don’t see how anybody could have got out of the upstairs without that two minutes of early warning,” said Deputy Chief AJ Lake.

The fire department is nominating James for a Fire Marshall’s award.

In the meantime, the family’s church group is helping them regroup and their insurance company is examining the loss.  

“People will say you lose everything, my comment was I haven’t lost a thing,” said Kerr. “I still have my family and that’s what’s most important to me. “

A trust account has been set up for the family at the TD bank in Thornbury.