Wasaga Beach Town Council is currently reviewing options to change the way electors will vote in the 2018 election.
Under the current at-large system, during an election, eligible electors can vote for one person for each of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor positions and up to five councillors.
The options being considered are retaining the status quo or dividing the Town into wards.
The town is seeking feedback from residents before making a decision to undertake a formal review.
“Council has determined that it is important to explore all viable options regarding election of your members of Council," said Mayor Brian Smith. "The opinion of our electors is important in determining how you will be able to vote in future Municipal Elections."
An information session will be held on Sunday, May 1, 2016 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the RecPlex.
An online survey is also available on the towns website until the end of May.