It's a Christmas gift for snowmobilers - all Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs trails on land used by Ontario Hydro will be open for business.

The OFSC says the trails will be open as soon as snowmobile clubs have them ready for riding. It says that despite some reports the hydro corridors were off limits only a few trails were at issue. And those will now be good to go for sledders this winter.

The OFSC says it has worked with the Ontario Ministry of Infrastructure to keep access to Crown Lands used by Ontario Hydro accessible for recreation.

In a news release, the OFSC says "previous land use agreements" with Hydro "are being honoured for the 2014 season."

Roy Maddox with the Sno Voyageurs Snowmobile Club tells CTV News this is good news. He says the club is happy the trails will be accessible, and they are working to reopen the corridor trails, and just need a few more volunteers to get the job done.