The snow is great news for those who are just itching to hit the trails, but snowmobile clubs say those trails just aren't ready yet.

It's early in the season, but the sounds of sleds can already be heard all across Muskoka. Last week's snow has covered everything.

“We followed the radar the last couple of weeks. I think all sledders do,” says Jeff Dunsford. “It's that early in the season. You want to get the sleds going as soon as possible.”

Sledders from all over were up north this weekend. But despite all the recent snow, the local sledding trails remain closed.

Bob Clarke is with the Snowcrest Riders Snowmobile Club. He says the trails aren’t yet safe to be on.

“There’s not much moisture content in all the snow,” he says. “It’s all fluff. We need that to set, to freeze up.

“What’s happening right now is people are running the snowmobile trails illegally, and they’re breaking all of it up. If they continue to do this, it will cause a delay in us opening the trails.”

Some sledders say they will wait for the go-ahead to hit the trails, but some guys admit they won't wait for the trails to open.

“We’re on the trails,” says Don Pilkey, adding he isn’t concerned using the trails now could harm them.

Once the trails do open, it will be a big boom for the local economy. Mark Sethi has had a restaurant for the past 15 years. He says they can see upwards of 800 sledders a day when the season gets going.

The local sledding club in Gravenhurst says they hope to have the trails open in time for Christmas. It's also hoped this early snowfall leads to one of the best, and longest, sledding seasons in recent memory.