Provincial police and Beausoleil First Nation are issuing warnings about unsafe ice conditions on Georgian Bay in the region.
They say there are areas of open water between Christian Island and Cedar Point.
The MV Indian Maiden attempted to make a trip to Cedar Point for the purpose of repairs to the propeller and shaft on Tuesday.
Officials say the trip was successful, but it caused the ice to separate resulting in open water on Georgian Bay.
“The ice is rapidly deteriorating, we are getting a lot of pancake break up and it’s starting to become candle ice as we go across its breaking up even more,” said Captain Mike Cass.
The passenger ferry that normally makes the crossing has been out of commission since it lost one of its propellers in March, but preparations are being made to have the boat repaired.
“It’s just a matter of mobilizing a crane service and for workers to come from Hamilton to make the install,” said Arnold Jamieson, Beausoleil First Nation Transportation Coordinator.
The ice road is now closed and officials are advising all snowmobilers to avoid travel on the unstable ice.