It’s not easy getting to a bus stop in Orillia when deep snowbanks are in the way.
Only eight of Orillia’s 164 bus stops have been cleared of snow. The city does have a contract with a private company for transit plowing, but they’re only required to clear those eight stops and Orillia’s 14 bus shelters.
“These locations were vetted through the transit advisory committee. I believe the last time was in 2011,” says George Bowa, director of engineering and transportation.
For Debbie Fenton, the trek to bus stops is far too difficult and dangerous.
“I'm putting myself in danger by having to stand near the road,” the senior says. “Think about the citizens, think about their families and their elder. How would they feel?”
The city is planning to re-examine the policy at the next council meeting.
“I've had chats with members of council because we've all heard different concerns about different issues of snow removal and we're going to look at if we expand the policy,” says Mayor Steve Clarke.
The earliest any changes can be made to the snowplowing contract won't be until next winter.
"Unfotunately they drop us off on the corner of the street but the bus drivers do what they can," says Toni Garner.
In the meantime, the city says residents can call in a request that their transit stop be plowed, but there's no guarantee the clearing will actually happen.