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Military couple looks back on 70 years of marriage to mark anniversary


A Barrie couple who found love in the military is celebrating a significant wedding milestone.

Peter And Helen Cooper celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary this week. The dynamic duo are both in their mid 90's and say the secret to their successful marriage is simple.

"I think it's just smiling at each other and just getting along," said Peter Cooper. "I think it's a lot of patience and love and having the best children in the world," Added Helen Cooper.

On Saturday, the Cooper clan gathered for a celebration at the family home in Barrie. The two lovers met while serving as Corporals in the Royal Canadian Air Force. Less than a year later, they tied the knot.

Four children and five grandchildren later, with a great-grandchild on the way, Peter and Helen continue to have fun and enjoy life even though they have different interests.

"I play sports, and he doesn't. He gardens," Helen said. "I spend time in the garden, Helen is an active sports person, golf and things like that. I sit in the background and watch," Peter said.

Helen said she always has Peters back. Like when he tried to ride an oversized bicycle on the driveway just a couple of years ago. A photo from that day shows Helen holding onto her husband for dear life.

Rob Cooper is one of Peter and Helen's children. He remembers the day the picture was taken. "It was fun, but I was terrified that day," Cooper said. "I was thinking, don't let go, don't let him go."

Rob's sister Carolyn Cooper said she hopes others use her parent's story as inspiration. "What I really hope is that other couples will take a look at it and really think twice and try real hard to try and keep their marriages going." Top Stories

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