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Bears in schoolyard prompt students and staff into 2nd hold and secure this week


A Huntsville elementary school was locked down for the second time this week because of some bears roaming the schoolyard.

A hold and secure was initiated at Spruce Glen Public School on Monday and again on Tuesday because of the animals on the property.

Students and staff were safe inside the facility, a school board spokesperson confirmed.

On Monday, the hold and secure measure forced an indoor dismissal at the end of the school day, with students escorted by a staff member one at a time outside to the bus or to a guardian's vehicle for pickup.

An OPP officer was on site monitoring the situation.

During a hold and secure all exterior doors are locked to prevent entry and exit from the school, but activities within the building progress as usual.

The hold and secure has since been lifted.

Police warn the public there have been several reports of bear sightings around town.

"Police urge people to not approach bear cubs as the mother may defend them aggressively. If you are concerned about bears in your area, call Bear Wise at 1-866-514-2327," the OPP stated. Top Stories

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