Bradley Sibbick was visiting Barrie Central Collegiate last week when his bike was stolen.

The theft was devastating to Sibbick, but when news reached his former classmates something wonderful happened.

"Everyone knows Bradley and loves Bradley just for his personality and how happy he always is," says grade 12 student Sam Wauchop.

Sibbick is a non-verbal student who has special needs. He uses his bike to go just about every where.

"I always saw him riding that bike. Not only did he love it, it was actually necessary for him."

So students started fundraising and told as many people they could about Sibbick’s story. Eventually word got to Atif Morkos, a local gas station owner, who decided to buy Sibbick a new bike.

"It really made me feel so deeply proud for what we did," says Morkos, the owner of MacEwen Petroleum.

What they did was give that bike to Sibbick on Friday morning, along with accessories that the students paid for.

"We actually got a new donation bike for you, and we decided we would surprise you with it,” principal Greg Brucker told Sibbick. “We raised money for a brand new helmet, a bike pump and a lock."

Sibbick was quick to hop on his bike and give it a try.

As he circled the school over and over, he didn’t need words to communicate how happy he was.