With affordable housing in Barrie quickly becoming scarce, the County of Simcoe is stepping in to offer a solution.

The county has launched a program called Secondary Suites, which offers money for homeowners to convert basements into rental units.

“So far we have 27 second suites completed and we currently have another 15 units in progress,” says John Connell, implementation manager of social housing.

Anybody can take advantage of the program, but there is a criterion that needs to be met.

Debbie Jane Stansfield heard about the Second Suites program and was approved for the maximum forgivable loan of $25,000 from the county.

“It all just made sense. I could downsize and I could give back to the community by providing a space here for someone who truly needs it.”

She partnered with Redwood Park Communities. The company helps families move out of shelters and into new homes. “We see a need for women and children fleeing domestic violence and we know there's a massive need in this community for transitional housing and affordable housing and we want to be part of that solution,” says Brandon Day, a community builder

Giving families a second chance to survive and thrive.

“We get to be there on their journey while they're moving forward,” says Rhonda Kent of Redwood Park.

The builders hope to have the unit ready in the next four to six weeks, at which time the deserving family will move in and enjoy their brand new home.