Three Barrie families remain out of their homes after a fire ripped through one home in city’s south east end Thursday night and damaged houses on either side.

Fire crews got the call to respond to 100 Diana Way shortly after 7:30 p.m. on Thursday night.

The roof of the home where the fire started was destroyed and there was extensive damage to Kirby Fleury’s home, which is right next door.

“We will be out for a minimum two weeks, their assessing the damage and determining where to go from here,” says Fleury.

Fleury was putting her two young children to bed when the fire broke out and had no idea her house was on fire.

“Just bang, bang, people yelling and screaming your house is on fire. I grabbed the kids and ran out the door and all we saw was the roof on fire,” added Fleury.

No one was home in the house where the fire started but neighbours did kick down the door to save the family’s pet dog.

No one was injured but the Barrie Fire Department says there is $1 million in damage to the three homes.

The fire is not considered suspicious but the Ontario Fire Marshal is now trying to determine the cause.

“At this point the origin is still under investigation and there is no idea what may have caused it,” says Jeff Tebby with OFM.

The city has placed orders on each home that will keep the families out while the investigation and repairs begin.

Heavy equipment is being brought in to tear down the rafters of the one home where the fire started and also to secure the second floor so the Fire Marshal can begin its investigation.

Neighbours have set up fundraising campaign to help the families. You can get more information here.