The Simcoe County District School Board is going through some growing pains with its French immersion program and some parents are unhappy.
When French immersion was first offered in 2013, 412 grade one students enrolled in Simcoe County public schools. That number has since quadrupled to more than 1,600 students.
The popularity is creating challenges. Hillcrest Public School in Barrie and Regent Park in Orillia are both over capacity. The school board is now considering shuffling the French program staff and students to other schools.
"We’re getting to the point where the schools that are hosting can't accept any more portables and we believe if we have space at nearby schools, we can offer the same program at a different location,” says John Dance, superintendent of facility services.
For Hillcrest students, the shuffle would affect students from grades five to eight. In Orillia, students from grades one to four would be relocated.
Andrew Tomarin's daughter is in grade four at Hillcrest, but the shuffle means she will have to attend Portage View Public School next September.
“I want her to stay at her school. There is a sense of emotional connection, moving a child out of an established area is not healthy in my mind.”
The school board says it needs to make the move.
“At this point there won't be any further expansion. We have to make sure we offer a program that is equitably resourced.”
However, there is no guarantee more students won't be shuffled in the future, as the program continues to grow.
The decision still needs to be approved by the board later this month.