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Police warn public about online dating dangers following assault allegations

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Police remind the public to be vigilant when using online dating apps following assault allegations from two women that investigators believe involved the same suspect.

South Simcoe police received a complaint in April about a sexual assault that happened in Bradford after a woman agreed to meet a man in person who she had connected with online.

Police say after several hours together, the man allegedly choked and sexually assaulted the woman.

He was identified and arrested.

In July, the police service reported a similar incident in which another woman agreed to connect in person with the same man after the two met online.

"After an altercation, the male is alleged to have choked the female," South Simcoe police stated.

The suspect is also accused of uttering death threats and assaulting the woman.

He was again arrested.

"Given the domestic nature of the allegations, and to protect the integrity of the victims, the name of the accused will not be released," police noted.

Protect Yourself

Police advise using strong passwords, checking to see how much of your information is accessible to others, adding privacy settings, and bringing a friend along on a date to ensure your safety.

They also suggest telling others, family and friends the details of where, when and who you are meeting with and blocking any unwanted users from dating apps.

"Always trust your instincts. If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't," police concluded. Top Stories

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