In the evenings this time of year, police are often on the lookout for drivers who may have had too much to drink.

But they’re just as concerned about those drunk drivers hitting the roads during the day.

South Simcoe Police was among the police services conducting daytime RIDE checkpoints today, Dec. 10, 2013.

Just after the lunch, drivers in Innisfil were met with three daytime RIDE checks.

Police get face-to-face with drivers, searching for the smell of alcohol, among other things.

“I'm looking at their eyes, their eyes is a big indicator and just the way they're interacting with me,” says Const. Steve Black. “If they're trying to keep their head turned away and stuff like that, that's all clues for me that I'm looking for.”

Police have what's called chasers on standby waiting for drivers who turn around up the road. Four police cruisers sit pointed in each direction, ready to go get people who try and avoid the check point.

Today, police spotted a driver avoiding the RIDE program.

“He blew a 46. So, he's basically a sip away, or half a sip away from blowing over,” says Jason Vandersar. “And he said he had nothing today. So I told him, ‘Basically when you left for work this morning you were impaired.’”

Police say most people think drinking and driving happens only at night. But that is far from the truth. Police have two breath machines on site ready to go, day or night.

“You're not going to beat … the device on the side of the road or the instrument that we have back in the command post,” says Black.

Drivers we spoke with today say they are happy to see police out checking during the daytime. Michelle Crate is a waitress at a local bar.

“Even over lunch, people who are like going on business meetings and just grabbing a social beverage or two, they don't think that it affects them,” she says.

Police are reminding drivers the RIDE or spot checks can be set up at two or even three different locations on any given day or night.

They are also telling drivers just one or two drinks can put you over the legal limit.