The mother of three-year-old Kaden Young, who died back in February when the minivan he was in was swept into a river, has been charged with impaired driving causing death.
In a release, Provincial Police say the van failed to stop at a road closure sign on February 21 just before 1 a.m. on the 10th Line of Amaranth Township.
Young’s mother, 35-year-old Michelle Hanson told police at the time that her van became caught up in the river near Orangeville during a flood.
She reported that she had been able to pull her son to safety, but lost her grip on him as she tried to escape the fast-moving river.
For weeks after his disappearance, hundreds of volunteers and rescue crews searched for the little boy’s body. His remains were found by a fisherman on April 21.
According to police, Hanson was asked to speak with officers at the police station on Thursday, and when she arrived, she was immediately charged with impaired driving causing death, dangerous driving causing death and criminal negligence causing death.
Police are cautioning the public to be careful what they post on social media.
“Let’s be careful what we’re saying here,” said OPP Const. Paul Nancekivell. “Let’s let the allegations unfold as they are, and not be making comments when they don’t have all the facts.”
Hanson was released with a promise to appear in court next month.