Unionized workers from CFB Borden set up a protest at the main gates to the base on Thursday morning.

The employees, who are members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, say they want the federal government to create “healthier workplaces”.

“The more people we have get out and support and let them know that the union isn’t going to stand for this change or this government,” says Stephen Peever who is with the Professional Institute of Public Service Canada.

The demonstration outside Base Borden was one of several across the country on Thursday to show support for bargaining teams that are in the process of negotiating new contracts.  Workers at the base have been without a contract since last year.

One thing demonstrators want is to keep the same number of sick days they had in their old contract.

“We’ve had 15 days in the past collective agreement for many, many years. Right now the threat is a lot less,” says President of Union National Defence Employees Local 619 Rosemarie Smith-Gimbet.

Other workers are looking for what they consider a fair increase in wages.

“They’ve offered us a .5% wage rate increase per year for three years and cost living is well over 2%. So .5% is nowhere even close to keeping up with the cost of living,” says Chris Cade.

In a statement to CTV News Minister Tony Clement, who is the President of the Treasury Board, said:

“Our Government is committed to negotiating in a fair and reasonable manner. I have consistently said the 40-year-old sick leave accumulation system is antiquated and not responsive to the needs of the majority of public service employees. That is why the Government has proposed a short-term disability plan that would help public servants get healthy and back to work, providing a comprehensive safety net, while protecting the taxpayers who pay the bill. I will continue to sit at the table and negotiate in good faith."

Some groups will be back at the bargaining table next week but union representatives say things are moving slowly and it still could be weeks or maybe months before an agreement is reached.