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Former Georgian College instructor in Ottawa as spokesperson for Freedom Convoy


A former Georgian College instructor is now at the centre of the group known as the Freedom Convoy protesting vaccine mandates in Ottawa.

Tom Marazzo has been seen on video calling out Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and demanding negotiations with the government.

"Let's get at a table, for god's sake. Enough hiding."

Marazzo made the controversial comments Monday night while vowing to stick around as long as necessary.

"Based on all the support that we have from the people of Canada, I have an incredible amount of support and a lot of people that seem to want me here, and I'm not going home until the job is done," Marazzo said.

The group has occupied downtown Ottawa for the better part of two weeks.

According to its website, Marazzo is a member of the group Police on Guard for Thee. Its mission statement reads in part, "To repair and regain public trust which is being damaged and lost due to the enforcement of emergency measures.

Marazzo's credentials list 25 years in the Canadian Military as a captain.

A self-described military engineer, Marazzo was recently an instructor in computer studies at Georgian College, teaching software development for two years until September 2021.

Georgian confirmed to CTV News Marazzo is no longer a college employee, but no specifics were provided.

Georgian's vaccination policy came into effect on Sept. 7.

"Don't coerce them into getting a jab," he said Monday night about vaccine mandates. "Let them decide for themselves."

"I know they're concealing the risks. They know they're concealing the risks. Let the public know. Let the public know what the risks are and let them make a free choice which is their constitutional charter right to do so," Marazzo continued.

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CTV News' attempts to reach Tom Marazzo for comment were unsuccessful.

The biography on Marazzo's personal YouTube page states, "I used to teach programming at an Ontario College, but I was recently fired for remaining a Free-Range, Organic Person." Top Stories

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