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'Expect us anywhere, anytime,' OPP ramps up efforts to remove impaired drivers from roads


Police remind motorists to expect R.I.D.E. (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) checks anywhere at any time this holiday season, as officers ramp up efforts to curb impaired driving.

“We move around from various locations throughout the detachment on detachment-patrolled roads,” said OPP Const. Dave Hobson. “And if we should get some snow at the trailheads, [we patrol] for snowmobilers as well.”

The OPP’s annual holiday R.I.D.E. campaign kicked off in November and runs through New Year’s Day.

While R.I.D.E. checks take place year-round, the holiday season sees a significant increase in their frequency.

“It’s not just alcohol we’re looking for - we’re looking for any type of impairment that also includes any type of impairment by any type of drug, cannabis included, and any other type of street drug they may use,” said OPP Const. Sophie Gwin.

With New Year’s Eve celebrations one sleep away, police urge partygoers to plan their transportation in advance.

Police say there are always alternatives to getting behind the wheel impaired, including taxis and rideshare services - and for New Year's Eve, several municipalities are offering free transit to and from events.

Gwin says officers will be patrolling major streets, country roads, and highways “to kind of stay unexpected and be where people don’t necessarily expect us to be, just to catch everyone who may be impaired.”

Central region OPP officers have conducted nearly 2,000 spot check programs, resulting in roughly 250 criminal charges. Top Stories

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