All classes at Georgian College will resume Tuesday after the government passed a bill to end a five-week long faculty strike.
Faculty members spent Monday afternoon meeting with their departments to iron out their approach for the rest of the semester. They’re reworking the curriculum and will be handing out an updated syllabus to students.
"There's the must be dones, and then there's the could be dones. So we're just going to take the could be dones out," says Warren Tracz, professor of electrical engineering.
As it stands, classes will continue through to Dec. 22. Students will then go on a holiday break between Dec. 23 and Jan. 7. The fall semester will then continue on Jan. 8 and finish on Jan. 12.
The winter semester will then begin on Jan. 22. The college says there will not be a winter study break. Instead there will be two study days on Feb. 20 and March 29. These will allow for two sets of four day weekends.
The winter semester will be extended by one week, wrapping up on April 27.
Students say they’re excited to get back to class, but are concerned about the condensed semester.
“Even though we had so much time to study and do our assignments, we didn't know what we had to do,” one student said.
Students who don’t want to return for the semester can apply for a full refund.