This fall, we're featuring a new series: '100 Ways to Live to 100.' Every weeknight until the end of November, we will share some tips you can do to have a longer life.

If you would like to download a copy of all the ways, click here.

1. Take the stairs.

2. Check your blood pressure.

3. Eat out less often.

4. Be an optimist.

5. Keep your immunizations up to date.

6. Avoid fried foods.

7. Get enough sleep.

8. Early to bed.  Early to rise.

9. Take your medications as prescribed.

10. Take nothing for granted.

11. Don’t drink and drive.

12. Watch your weight.

13. Embrace spirituality.

14. Smile often.

15. Count your blessings.

16. Wash your hands often.

17. Limit screen time.

18. Use sunscreen.

19. Do something creative.

20. Eat your greens.

21. Do nothing in excess.

22. Listen to your doctor.

23. Celebrate getting older.

24. Stay in school.

25. Consume less salt.

26. Exercise regularly.

27. Brush your teeth.

28. Don’t share prescription drugs.

29. Take setbacks in stride.

30. Keep your mind active.

31. Accept the things you can't change

32. Eat more fibre

33. Get plenty of fresh air

34. Reduce portion sizes.

35. Read a book.

36. Forgive and forget.

37. Laugh often.

38. Limit sun exposure.

39. Breastfeed your baby if you can.

40. Take a colon cancer test.

41. Help others.

42. Watch what you eat.

43. Try new things.

44. Sit up straight.

45. Say thank you.

46. Challenge yourself.

47. Get a prostate check.

48. Don't procrastinate.

49. Stop smoking.

50. Take a nap.


51. Get a flu shot.

52. Tend a garden.

53. Use olive oil.

54. Make time for friends.

55. Get a bone density test.

56. Listen to your body.

57. Don’t sit too much.

58. Consume less sugar.

59. Eat plenty of fruit.

60. Drink lots of water.

61. Eat less meat.

62. Get a mammogram.

63. Floss your teeth.

64. Tell the truth.

65. Cry if you need to.

66. Drink caffeine in moderation.

67. Visit your dentist.

68. Walk every day

69. Reduce your cholesterol

70. Chew your food thoroughly

71. Wear a seatbelt.

72. Get a pap test.

73. Create solutions, not problems.

74. Relax.

75. Ask questions when your doctor gives you new medication.

76. Be positive.

77. Get married.

78. Don't text and drive.

79. Know your body, report significant changes.

80. Eat an apple a day.

81. Forgive.

82. Indulge yourself.

83. Eat plenty of fish.

84. Drink moderately.

85. Stay busy.

86. Mediate

87. If you want to stop taking medication, ask your doctor first.

88. Make love.

89. Wear a life jacket.

90. Practice what you preach.

91. Cook more often.

92. Share.

93. Control your temper.

94. Eat chicken soup.

95. Pamper yourself once a day.

96. Care for a pet.

97. Look before you leap.

98. Carpe diem (seize the day).

99. Be true to yourself

100. Volunteer