It’s a debate that heats up during the winter months, who should get to use outdoor rinks: skaters or hockey players?

The disagreement on the ice is something the Town of Newmarket is familiar with. While some want to pleasure skate on the town’s Riverwalk Commons rink, others want to bring sticks and pucks and play hockey.

“It’s a little small and when there are skaters, it’s a little tricky to be out there with a stick,” says Newmarket resident Janice MacIntyre.

So the town found a way to please everybody, pleasure skating by day and hockey by night.

“We have the go ahead to do two different pilot programs. The first is to offer shinny hockey here in the evenings from 10:00 p.m. till midnight and we’ll leave the lights on,” says Colin Service in the Town of Newmarket.

And the town wants to build two more outdoor rinks this month and is currently looking at possible sites and speaking with community groups to arrange volunteers to maintain the ice.

At Innisfil Beach Park a new rink will open for pleasure skating and hockey as soon as it stays cold enough for the water to freeze.

“The outdoor rink will be 60’ by 90’ and is lined with a tarp to reflect the sun so there’s a better chance to have a good ice at the waterfront,” says Mark Seguin with the Town of Innisfil.

If you are looking to skate this weekend, the rinks at Barrie City Hall and Riverwalk Commons in Newmarket will be open.