Simcoe-Grey M-P Kellie Leitch has officially launched her campaign to become leader of the federal Conservative Party.

On Saturday, at her campaign-launch in Collingwood, she emphasised her focus on Canadian values such as tolerance and freedom of religion.

“Violence and misogyny will not be tolerated,” she said to a crowd of supporters.

Leitch spoke in both French and English, while calling for better screening of immigrants and promising to cap government spending.

She is among the increasingly crowded list of candidates vying to replace former Prime Minister Stephen Harper, as party leader.  While last week Tony Clement announced he was dropping out, MP Erin O'Toole has decided to jump in.

“A lot of people running is a good thing for the process. I hope and I know Kellie will win because she is the best candidate,” says Ehab Masad, a Leitch supporter in Collingwood.

Supporters say Leitch "delivered" on the first, of what will be many, campaign stops in the six-month leadership race.

“I think she hasn't forgotten the conservative side of capping expenditures,” says another supporter Ted Rowe.

Leitch and her team say they will be spending the coming weeks meeting Canadians and then preparing for the first leadership debate on November 9, 2016.