BARRIE -- Wahta First Nation joins Rama First Nation in closing all non-essential businesses including those selling tobacco.
As of 6 p.m. Thursday, all non-essential businesses will be closed in Wahta First Nation according to a post by the elected council.
On Wednesday, Rama First Nation officially closed all tobacco business.
In a release, a spokesperson for the community says they are closing all non-essential businesses, including all smoke shops, to reduce traffic to the community.
Rama Moccasin and Smoke Shop posted a copy of the notice they were served on its Facebook page.
The notice from the Chief and council states, "We must continue to drastically reduce the visitors to Rama First Nation and to keep practicing social distancing. It is vital to our community's health." And, "the Rama Police Service and Security Department will be driving by your business to assist in ensuring any outside visitors are redirected off of the reserve."
There are massive lineups of vehicles attempting to enter into the First Nation community. Many cars are turning around on Rama Road.
The closure will remain in effect until further notice and will be reevaluated on April 15.
The Rama Country Market convenience store will also be closed for deep cleaning on Friday and reopen Saturday. However, no tobacco products will be available.
In a statement, a spokesperson for Rama First Nation said, "Chief and Council are working with local tobacco storefront businesses for the health and protection of our members and visitors from COVID-19. Chief and Council would like to acknowledge our storefront businesses for their support in taking this step to help stem the transmission of COVID-19."
A spokesperson also stated, "at 6 o'clock tonight; there will be nowhere to purchase tobacco products in Rama First Nation."