Environment Canada has issued a severe wind chill warning for Thursday night and into Friday morning for our region and all of Southern Ontario.

Cold Arctic air has established itself across Southern and Eastern Ontario. In addition a low pressure system near the Lower Great lakes continues to generate moderate north-easterly winds.  As a result severe wind chills are expected Thursday night and Friday morning.

It is advised to dress warmly and cover any exposed skin as much as possible when heading outdoors.

Here’s a look at the different types of hypothermia according to the Canadian Red Cross:

Mild hypothermia– Shivering and complaining of cold, numbness in fingers and toes, body temperature slightly below normal.

Moderate hypothermia– Shivering, numbness in fingers and toes, lack of coordination and/or speech, confused or unusual behaviour, impaired judgment.

Severe– Person has stopped shivering and complaining of cold, lack of coordination and/or speech, confused or unusual behaviour, impaired judgment, glassy stare, body temperature below 30°C, breathing has slowed down or stopped, possible unconsciousness.

To learn more click here.

We will have more on the cold weather tonight on CTV News at 6.