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Raccoon rescued after 2 days of being trapped on top of a hydro pole


After being stranded on a hydro pole for two days, a raccoon was freed in Innisfil.

Residents became concerned, believing the raccoon was getting electrical shocks when they saw it perched atop the power pole.

InnPower was called to help with the rescue mission.

After seeing the animal's condition, InnPower announced an emergency and temporarily shut off electricity in the area.

It took a powerline technician in a bucket truck gently nudging the raccoon roughly five minutes to get it to climb down the pole.

The power in the neighbourhood was restored shortly after.

The crew ensured the raccoon received emergency care, as they were concerned it might have suffered damage to its feet.

In hopes of preventing similar situations, Innpower works to provide animal guards and other barriers to protect wildlife neighbours. Top Stories

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