Hundreds of students in Dufferin County have been suspended for not having up to date immunization records.

The Upper Grand District School Board suspended more than 300 students on Tuesday, stating that parents were notified about updating the records in November.

“They were reminded throughout January and December to get their immunization records up to date. Families had until Jan 26th to update that with public health and then those that weren't updated suspensions do begin for those students,” says Carrie Conrad, a spokesperson for the Upper Grand District School Board.

By law, all school students in the province must be immunized against measles, mumps, rubella and six other communicable diseases. If parents don’t want their child vaccinated, the board requires a valid exemption on file from Wellington-Dufferin Guelph Public Health.

“We need to know who is immunized and who isn't so we can remove those who are at risk of contracting that disease out of the school as quickly as possible to prevent the spread of the disease,” says Rita Isley, director of community health with WDGPH. 

Suspensions can be for up 20 days. The school board says they are working closely with health officials to get kids back into class.

“We want kids back in class as quickly as possible, but we have to work with public health and comply with legislation,” says Conrad.

The school board and the health unit both have all of the relevant forms on their websites.