The future of Collingwood’s Elvis festival continues to be up for debate.

The town is creating a new parks and recreation master plan.  In it is a recommendation for the Elvis festival, stating the event is “tired and in need of refreshment.” 

The plan also calls for the town to “reposition or retire” the iconic festival.

The report went on to say that town staff should also review the festival’s economic impact regarding return on investment.

The town has already approved next year’s event to take place for its 25th year, but not for its 26th.

“The roadmap that the plan will give us isn’t just do we keep doing Elvis, do we not keep doing Elvis?  It’s about a bigger picture. What is our actual overriding picture?  What is our destination that we’re seeking to get to?  And it creates a common communications platform for us, council and the community,” said Dean Collver, director of parks and recreation. 

The town's master plan will be presented to council in October.