Residents in Ramara Township continue to be under a flood warning this weekend, and the volunteer fire department is back out trying to help.

“We’re handing out drinking water to try and alleviate some of the pressure on (residents),”says Station 3 District Fire Chief Dean Stephen.

He says the water has finally stopped coming over the dam after 15 days, which is double the number of days the water spilled the dam last year.

“We should see some relief here soon in the water levels at Lake St. John,” he says.

That relief can’t come soon enough for Jayne Curtis, who lives at the lake.

“It’s bad,” she says. “It seems to be happening more often. It used to be every 10 years, now it seems like every year it comes up.”

Curtis has been fighting the water since it started rising, and has recently been staying with friends to get away from it.

“Hopefully the river peaks,” she says.

Art Chenery says the flooding is the worst he’s seen in the 40 years he’s lived there.

Officials say homes currently under water likely won't see a decrease in water levels until sometime next week.