Nineteen surveillance cameras now keep a watchful eye over the waterfront area in Wasaga Beach.

They overlook sidewalks, parking lots, and key intersections with analytics keeping track of people and vehicles through the area.

"We just want to make sure everybody is having a good time, and enjoying the beach and being safe," Derek Bowers with the Town of Wasaga Beach explained.

The town has been building its surveillance system over the past three years, and some footage has already assisted the OPP with several investigations.

Business owners feel the cameras will help deter bad behaviour. "It's a safe thing to have cameras," said beachfront retailer, Raphael Choucroun. "I have cameras in my store, and it's the best investment you could do. You could always go back and see what happened, so I think it's a really good thing to have cameras here."

Sonia Ruggieri, who works late hours, said she feels a little safer with the cameras rolling. "We are closing the store at night, and if you are by yourself, you always feel more safe."

One of the cameras is live on the town's website for the public to check the weather and traffic at the waterfront.