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Newmarket wind phone helps those grieving speak to loved ones


Wind phones are unconnected phone booths that allow grieving people to have one-way conversations with deceased loved ones.

They became popular in Japan in the early 2010s as those affected by earthquakes used them to mourn for deceased victims. 

This is York Region's second wind phone located in Newmarket.

"Lots of people who are grieving don't know where to start talking their story," said Juliet Irish from the Oasis Bereavement, a volunteer organization in York Region that helps those grieving. "Having something like a wind phone is a great start for them to start that journey of healing."

Wind phones have grown worldwide in the last several years. In December, Oasis helped York Region get its first wind phone in Keswick before adding one in Newmarket.

Irish says she uses the latter to talk to her late father.

"I sometimes just want to run things by him," Irish added. "Do I get an answer? No. But it just feels good to be able to send that message."

One Aurora resident, Vern Cunningham, builds York Region's wind phones in his garage. His late mother's gravesite and late sisters' ashes are at a cemetery in New Brunswick.

"Having something locally where I can talk to her or just feel her essence is very therapeutic and healing for a lot of people," said Cunningham.

Michelle Nye, chair of Oasis, says she has been told by practitioners in the area that they are recommending the wind phone as a grieving tool for their clients.

"Every single person at some point is going to deal with death, loss of somebody important to them," said Nye. "There's always going to be literally thousands of people who can be using this phone as a tool to deal with their grief."

The Town of Newmarket rewarded Oasis by ensuring its wind phone was in an ideal, secluded location off the Tom Taylor Trail near Andrew Street and William Street. 

"I know many people - friends, good friends of mine - who have had recent significant losses in their lives," John Taylor, Newmarket Mayor. "I would expect that many people will find their own way down to the wind phone and just have that quiet moment to themselves."

Cunningham plans to build his next wind phone for Aurora by the end of August.

He hopes to have seven across York Region by the end of 2024. Top Stories

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