For the past decade, time has stood still at a historic post office in Gravenhurst, but that’s no longer the case.

When town officials made plans to revitalize the downtown core, the historic clock topped their to-do list.

"When I came here probably five years ago I noticed the clock wasn't working and I just thought it was kind of symbolic of a community that wasn't quite on the move,” says Dan Kerr, downtown revitalization coordinator. “Well we are on the move, and so is the clock."

The clock was attached in 1926 – five years after the post office was built. It became a hub for the downtown core.

"In a small community this used to be almost sort of meeting place. Once the mail came in each day all kinds of people would beadle down to the post office to see what had arrived, and of course have a chance to talk with their friends there,” says Gravenhurst resident Cyril Fry.

Unlike Hill Valley’s landmark clock tower from Back to the Future, which was struck by lightning in the acclaimed 1985 movie, it was old age that stopped the gears from turning in Gravenhurst.

But on Friday, dozens of residents came out to celebrate two milestones.

"We get to designate one of our historical heritage buildings that's 90-years-old and we get our clock tower back up and running,” says deputy mayor Jeff Watson. “To have that back up and running just shows that Gravenhurst is reopen and back open for business."

The clock will also feature LED lights and has been equipped with a backup power system.