The David Busby Centre received a special delivery on Saturday afternoon from a woman people on the street know as the Soup Lady. 

Every Saturday since November - in her Big Black Soup Truck - Tania Norman and her husband John have gone out of their way to deliver hot soup and warm clothes to the less fortunate throughout the City of Barrie; something they have done for the past eight years.

“It`s really cold right now, yet these people are out here hours on end,” said Norman. “If I can make one person happy and keep them warm for a couple hours, it just means the world to me.”

On Sundays, Norman also delivers aluminum trays full of pasta for the people at the Salvation Army. 

“We try to help out as much as we can, we’re just a couple of people trying to help out the homeless,” says Norman. “Maybe if everyone helped a little bit, to end homelessness would be the ultimate”