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Sea cadets muster up for a training exercise at HMCS York in Midland

HMCS York trains Sea Cadets in Midland in this file image. HMCS York trains Sea Cadets in Midland in this file image.

The Department of National Defence / Canadian Armed Forces is running a small boats training exercise in Midland.

Naval reserve sailors from Toronto will conduct the exercise on Thursday.

Midland's harbour will provide the training ground for the Royal Canadian Navy's HMCS York, which will deliver exercise to the local sea cadets from the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps.

As a reserve division in the Royal Canadian Navy, HMCS York could called into play to provide support in natural disaster situations such as floods, forest fires, ice storms or hurricanes.

"Sailors must maintain their small boat handling, search and rescue skills and conduct reconnaissance exercises outside of their standard area of operations to improve situational awareness and maximize time on station," said the press release from HMCS York Public Affairs. Top Stories

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