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Pilot project looks for plastic microfibres in washing machines.


The group Georgian Bay Forever started a pilot project in Parry Sound in 2018 looking for plastic micro fibres in washing machines. The small micro fibres come from the clothes people wear and the amount of fibres discharged can add up quickly.

“Research study’s have shown that micro plastics are in our fish, our tap water our beer, table salt and most recently in our body’s. On average humans are eating about five grams of micro plastics a week and that is the equivalent to the size of a credit card” says Ashley Morrison with Georgian Bay Forever.

Morrison says it’s a bigger issue than people may think.

“Here in the Great Lakes we have higher than or equal concentrations to of micro plastics as that of the great pacific garbage patch, so it’s playing a huge role right here in the Great Lakes” says Morrison.

Kathleen Caswell of Wasga Beach is an environmentalist at heart. She was recently named the eco friendly woman of the year by the local chamber of commerce.

Caswell has one of the filters on her wanting machine. She was one of about 300 homes that took part in the project.

“The fact that we are polluting Georgian Bay and that I live on Georgian Bay and swim on Georgian Bay and hopefully have grand kids some day swimming on Georgian Bay I thought I really want to help” says Caswell.

Georgian Bay Forever says the pilot project proves the micro fibre filters work. It hopes to drive legislation that will eventually require washing machine manufactures to install the filters before they hit the market for sale. Top Stories

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