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NHL players hit the ice at annual Barn Burner charity hockey game


The Boots and Hearts Barn Burner charity hockey game returned to the Sadlon Arena Wednesday evening.

The annual event helps out a lot of good causes like the pie backpack campaign, an initiative started by Barrie Mayor Alex Nuttall and the owners of Pie Pizza.

They say they want to ensure that as kids return to school, every child in government housing has a backpack and the supplies they need for the first day of class.

It's a cause that hits close to home for Barrie's Mayor.

"I grew up in government housing, and for me, it was always a very difficult day. Everyone walking in with brand new... everything from clothes to supplies, and I didn't always have that. So it's a way that we can quantifiably give back to the community, and up to this point, we've given over 20,000 backs and put those in kid's backs for back to school, so it's a really neat program, and we're incredibly proud of it," says Nuttall.

Several NHL players were participating in the game, including Toronto Maple Leafs captain John Tavares.

This year the John Tavares Foundation has been added to the list of charities the game benefits.

Tavares says he also plans to use the money raised to equip children in Toronto with school supplies.

"Well, I think you see the impact it has on so many communities, so many people. How much people love the game and connect with the game. So many different players from many different teams and how the game is more than just the game and how it connects people," Tavares told CTV News ahead of the event. Top Stories

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